
The Heroic Fitness Experience is a blog intended to address an epidemic that is sweeping our nation. We will provide systematic solutions for prevention, bread 'n butter cures, and thought provoking insights! Symptoms of this malicious disease include obesity, lack of motivation, and procrastination, just to name a few. You can become infected under your radar, and it spreads like gangrene! People most commonly become infected by eating fruits from the trees of self-indulgence and creative excuses. The epidemic being referred to is LAZYASSITITUS...pronounced lazy-ass-i-titus!

If you think you are infected, don't worry; we've all had it. The key to the cure is doing something about it. By sharing with you the Epic Insights and Adventures happening within the Heroic Fitness Experience, we hope to inform, motivate, and inspire you to build healthy habits that will fight off and prevent this epidemic. The Heroic Fitness Experience desires to provide the delightful daily dose of enthusiastic encouragement you might need to get movin' and marchin' toward your physique transformation destination. Please read, follow, and interact with your Heroic Fitness Experience. Have an Epic Day!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds

5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds
I'd like to share five simple strategies with you for shedding five pounds of fat before the holidays.

But first let me clear something up.

Weight loss can be put into two categories.

  • The first is a fully concentrated effort. This is where you dedicate yourself to counting every calorie and slaving away in the gym. The pounds come off, but once you relax the regimen your weight goes right back to where it was.
  • The second is a combination of simple lifestyle changes. This is where you change a few key factors about what you eat and how you exercise, without making it a fulltime job. This type of weight loss is gradual and permanent, since you are able to maintain it long term.
The five simple strategies below all fall into the lifestyle change category. These strategies may seem ridiculously simple, but do them over an extended period of time and you will see amazing, permanent results.

Strategy #1: Ditch Your Diet Soda
Studies are coming out that link diet soda to weight gain.

Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio concluded that those who drank two or more diet soft drinks a day had the largest waistline increases—about five times more than that of non-drinkers. They stated, "Data from this and other prospective studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas as healthy alternatives may be ill-advised: they may be free of calories, but not of consequences."

Bottom line: Artificial sweeteners are addictive, lead to waistline increases, and cause you to crave sugary foods. By cutting diet soda out of your daily routine, and replacing it with water, you will lose inches and pounds—effortlessly.

Strategy #2: Swap Sandwich Bread for Lettuce
Move over bread, lettuce is better.

It's time to re-define your sandwich. While bread has tradition on its side, lettuce wraps offer you weight loss and increased energy. Try my Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps recipe below.

Bottom line: Eating bread and other starchy foods always leads to extra pounds, so change your ways. Swap your sandwich bread for lettuce for 30 days and see how much you will effortlessly lose. I bet you'll feel more energetic after lunch too.

Strategy #3: Trade Slow Cardio for Intense Intervals
Doing slow cardio will not give you results.

In order to really make your workout effective, you need to turn up the intensity. If you love the treadmill, then do a series of sprints throughout your workout. If you're a swimmer, then push yourself extra hard every other lap.

Bottom line: Doing slow, easy cardio will not give you the streamline body you want. Only intense intervals will do that for you. Pepper your workout with bouts of intense cardio and watch as the fat starts to disappear.

Strategy #4: Avoid Sugar 99% Of The Time
Sugar will cause you to gain weight every single time.

There's really no way around that simple truth. Sugar is standing between you and your perfect body. If you're serious about looking and feeling great, then understand that sugar has no place in your diet.

Bottom line: If you avoid sugar 99% of the time, then you will be on your way to a lean and energetic body. If it's your birthday or a special holiday, then partake in a small amount of sugar, but make that the exception and not the rule.

Strategy #5: Exercise With A Professional
When I design your workouts, you know it will be great.

People who work with a personal trainer get better results than those who attempt to do it on their own. Just look at my clients and their amazing transformations, and you'll see what I mean. Each workout will push you to your limits, challenge your body and deliver the results you're looking for.

Bottom line: All of my clients expect to get the best workout of their lives each and every time they train with me, and my job is to over-deliver.

Call or email today and I'll get you started on a program that will get you to the body of your dreams.

The Halloween Excuse
The stores are brimming with Halloween candy – and it calls your name every time you walk by it. STOP! You don't have to buy loads of candy just because the holiday is approaching. Admit it to yourself that you've used Halloween as a big excuse to eat candy.

This year stop and think. Do you really want to eat candy and put on a few pounds?

I didn't think so.

Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps
Who needs bread weighing them down? These tasty tuna lettuce wraps are so much better than a traditional tuna sandwich, and will leave you feeling light and lean. Use wild-caught Albacore Tuna packed in water.
Servings: 2

Here's what you need...

  • 1 (5oz) can Albacore Tuna, packed in water
  • 3 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 Tablespoon relish
  • 2 Tablespoons light mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons mustard
  • 2 teaspoons dried dill weed, plus more for garnish
  • dash of freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup purple cabbage, shredded
  • 4-6 butterhead lettuce leaves, washed
  1. In a medium bowl, flake the drained tuna with fork. Add celery, relish, mayo, mustard, dill and pepper. Mix well.
  2. Place lettuce leaves on plates, evenly divide cabbage on the leaves and then fill with tuna mixture. Sprinkle with dried dill weed.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 148calories, 7g fat, 434mg sodium, 7g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 13g protein.

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Heroic Fitness Hours of Operation

Carillon Building Fitness Facilities
Monday:  7:00 AM – 9:30 AM, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Friday: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Ally Center Fitness Facilities
Monday:  10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Heroic Fitness Success Stories  
I had tried every thing to lose weight. I worked out all the time, drank lots of water, ate healthy, and took diet pills but i never saw results. Then I started working out with Kirk, and the weight fell off. It was fun and it wasn't hard. Kirk made it really easy to lose the weight. I started at a size 14 and now I am a size 4. I am so happy with my weight loss, it really has changed my life. I recommend Kirk to every one I know. He is truly a genius and really great person. I told him that he should be training celebrities because he is that good at what he does.
Sarah Frye

I am Britnie Turner, your Miss North Carolina United States 2009 and 2010.   Also, I was a top 5 finalist in the Miss United States 2010 Pageant.  I will be competing in other state and national pageants this year, and I am looking to improve my chances by getting the best bod possible! 
I have researched trainers over the past 2 years but have never been able to find one who:
1.) Genuinely cares
2.) Really motivates me to do and be my best
3.) Isn't a creep
4.) Is REAALLY worth the money
When I finally found Kirk Huggins Rogers of Heroic Fitness it was through at least 6 direct testimonies from his clients who have achieved amazing results and couldn't stop praising his work! I had to meet this guy, just to see if what everyone was saying could possibly be true.
Well, I tested him out and long story short he is everything you need to get the results you want! I am looking forward to a great year not only preparing for competition but continuing my new life where my mind and body are disciplined and healthy. I am very blessed to have found someone that can help me and push me to finally achieve my goals. Thank you Kirk!

I have been working out avidly since my high school years. I had competed in amateur bodybuilding competitions during my teenage years and had always made physical fitness a priority. Unfortunately life had thrown me a curveball which prevented me from continuing with my passion until 2 years ago when I met Kirk Huggins Rogers of Heroic Fitness.
I had been fighting a losing weight loss battle and hit a plateau with my workout routines. As any athlete knows it is always best to have someone review a program and to have them make adjustments to allow the body to continue making progress. It was Kirk Huggins Rogers’ knowledge and expertise on the subject that made it possible for me to loose more than 38lbs taking me from 235lbs to 197lbs and to shed more that 20% body fat from 32% to 11% over the course of a year!!!! Kirk implemented a custom made meal plan program along with a unique workout regime that he revised as I achieved milestones on my fitness pathway.
I attribute my results to Kirk from Heroic Fitness and his power to inspire and motivate which allowed me to make physical fitness apart of my lifestyle!!!!
Email: heroicbod1@heroicfitness.com
Phone: 704-575-1514
Web: www.heroicfitness.com
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